東京書籍 new horizon 中学3年 unit1 read and think1

  今回はunit1のread and think1を解説していきます。まずは、単語から見ていきます。

championship:選手権  amaze:びっくりさせる  speed:速さ、スピード

amazing:驚くべき  uncomfortable:不快な 

well-known:よく知られている  winner:勝者 



 Wheelchair tennis is an exciting Paralympic sport. Japan has some really famous players.


One example is Kunieda Shingo. He has won many world championships. I watched some videos of his matches. I was amazed at his power and speed. However, Mr. Kunieda says,”Sometimes people say playing tennis in a wheelchair is amazing. It makes me uncomfortable. We’re playing tennis just like other people.”


 Another well-known player is Kamiji Yui. She became the youngest Grand Slam winner in 2014. She once said, “I want to keep smiling when I play. Smiles keep me positive.” Her smiles keep us positive, too.


 These two players remind us of the power of sports. Everyone can enjoy sports, and playing and watching them makes people happy and positive.




東京書籍ニューホライズンズ中学3年unit1read and think1解説動画

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